The concept of Durgadevi.Financial – an agency to help Indian organisations better trade with Europe and N America, and vice-versa – was drawn up by Kumar Pawar and Tadhg Ó Séaghdha in 2018.

Its intention was to support the thousands of talented, clever people in India who, due to sex, caste, tribal, financial or family background reasons found it difficult to prosper or, indeed, in many cases, put aside enough to train or start a business.

At the same time, many smaller businesses in Europe and N America were finding it difficult to access affordable, reliable services within their home markets.

With this simple game-plan, Durgadevi.Financial built small networks which gave people whose talents were being under utilised and, often, wasted, good quality work whilst providing western entrepreneurs with high-quality goods and services.

In this way, men and women in India who experienced prejudice found buyers and contractors for whom their background was of no consequence at all. It worked!

Whilst still undertaking a policy of non-discrimination against people who found it difficult to properly utilise their talents and skills, Durgadevi.Financial now brings together larger organisations, in India, Europe and N America, by facilitating smooth planning and compliance when they want to explore new markets and opportunities.

Why we are good for you?

If you are based in India – and would like to investigate establishing or increasing your business in North America or Europe or, if you are based in North America or Europe and would like to investigate establishing or increasing your business in India, then we are resolved to be good for you.


Because we highly value the conducting of ethical, thoughtful and meaningful business. Which means that our first priority is keeping you happy, not emptying your bank account. We are long-term partners.


We aren’t just business people, we are emotionally-intelligent business people. We have access to some of the smartest minds anywhere in understanding motives and the values and emotions of the public.

When you work with us, we will know the market you would like to enter or in which you would like to increase your presence. Intimately and instinctively.

We find out facts, yes, but we also take the time to understand the people you need (employees, contractees and your customers). That makes us very, very different.


To find out how we can help you succeed, please tell us a little more about yourself.
Please fill in this form below and we will contact you by email.

To complete the form below, please provide the email address where we can send your Verification Code.


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I would be interested in the services available from Durgadevi.Financial

Are you an organisation or an individual?

Is your organisation a for-profit or not-for-profit?
